Posts in Public Policy
Protected in Law and Cared for in Life

“Protected in law and cared for in life” … with that simple phrasing, Father Richard John Neuhaus once articulated the ultimate goals of the pro-life movement. It seems to me that this is an articulation worth recalling as we try to grasp where we – those of us who support the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death - now stand in the light of the Supreme Court’s recent “Dobbs decision.”

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Attending the Political Caucuses: After Voting, It's One of the More Important Things You Do as a Citizen

Next week, on Tuesday, February 1st, the political parties in Minnesota will hold their caucuses. What is a caucus, you ask? Well, it is simply the first step in “We the People,” expressing our thoughts as to how our State and our Nation should be run in the coming years. It is the “closest-to-home” opportunity you will have for giving input in how government will operate in the next two years and beyond.

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Moving the Pro-Life Issue Back to Center Stage!

In a culture where constant conflict and its resulting chaos have become the norm, the various societal issues to which the Church addresses itself (abortion, assisted suicide, marriage/family/sexuality, and religious liberty) seem to move in and out of the spotlight … in and out of the news cycle … in and out of our consciousness. Despite the fact each of them are of critical importance, the reality is most of us really aren’t capable of maintaining an intense focus on more than one of these issues at a time.

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Danger and opportunity in a time of national flux

Even for those who lived through the upheaval of the 1960s, these days are proving to be a time of unprecedented political and social confusion. Almost by definition then, this is not only a time of great danger but also a time of great opportunity. There is danger to religious liberty from Critical Race Theory. Yet there is great opportunity in the movement toward educational choice.

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