School & Early Learning
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2. National Lutheran Schools Week 2025 - Endure
Additional resources: LuthEd, Lutheran Special Education Ministries (LSEM), To All Generations (TAG) grants
2024 Educators Conference
October 17, 2024 | Woodbury Lutheran Church
2023-2024 Outstanding Educators
Every Lutheran school educator is so appreciated for the work they do to proclaim the gospel to children every day. The following educators have been nominated by co-workers and parents to receive special recognition as "Outstanding Educators." Thank you to all of our teachers, administrators, parish professionals, and school shepherds for a wonderful school year!
Outstanding School Administrators
Shelly Tuinstra, St. Paul Lutheran Preschool, Pipestone
Kevin Wilaby, Mayer Lutheran High School, Mayer
Outstanding Early Childhood Teachers
Rebecca O’Keefe, Woodbury Lutheran Preschool, Woodbury
Trisha Pohl, Woodbury Lutheran Preschool, Woodbury
Outstanding Elementary Teacher
Daniel Kuball, Rochester Central Lutheran School, Rochester
Outstanding High School Teacher
Rebecca Oerman, Martin Luther Jr./Sr. High School, Northrop
Outstanding Parish Professional
Lisa Martinson, Trinity Lutheran Church, Northfield
Outstanding School Shepherd
Rev. Timothy Chase, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, Truman
Read the nominations and see the names of new graduates, jubilarians, and new emeriti in this booklet!
National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA)
2024 NLSA Certificates Awarded
The LCMS is asking the pastors, teachers, and parish professionals of every District to get certified with MinistrySafe. MinistrySafe is a sexual abuse awareness training program. Through MinistrySafe you will learn about the characteristics of an abuser, the grooming process, how to interview and screen applicants, criminal background checks, how to create handbooks and policies, and many other useful tools. Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod – MinistrySafe
To receive your free code, please contact Christina Krentz from the MN South District office at 952.250.7113 or
LCMS MinistrySafe Notification
Please note: The information and template offered by the LCMS Office of National Mission is not intended to provide specific legal advice. This material is provided for informational purposes only. You are encouraged to contact your legal advisor, insurance provider and other experts to determine what policies and procedures best fit your congregation or school situation. No endorsement of the MinistrySafe program in these materials is implied or intended and the LCMS does not guarantee or warrant that sexual abuse will not happen, even if an entity decides to utilize the offered resources of the MinistrySafe program.
Employment resources
1. Resources for background screening
2. State-required background screening for K-12 teachers, coaches, & volunteers
3. Product & service discounts through LCMS group purchasing agreements
Schools and early childhood centers should begin by contacting the Assistant to the President for Education or the Commissioned Workers Assistant to alert the District of the open call and for assistance and support throughout the call process.
Get a head start on the process by completing the Intent to Call Form (Teacher) and (if applicable) the Teacher not Returning Form.
Important documents & forms
lea & lcms school ministry job oppORTUNITIES
LEA has launched Lutheran Education Opportunity Center (LEOC) – a website for Lutheran ministries and workers to post job opportunities and resumes. To do so, go here.
Additionally, in the last few months, Synod’s School Ministry launched the Lutheran Career Board as a place for schools to post jobs and workers to post resumes. When you follow the aforementioned LCMS link, you should get a message about rostered workers utilizing the call process. Synod will also be vetting posts.
updated compensation guidelines
(Click on the button for a pdf of the guidelines)
Using the Educator (K-12) Compensation Guidelines, schools / centers can create compensation estimates for most positions, including teacher, assistant teacher, head principal / administrator, and assistant principal / administrator.
If you have questions or need assistance using the tool, please contact Sean Martens, Assistant to the President, Education & Commissioned Ministers
Minnesota’s Paid Leave Law
LCMS church and school administrators with locations in Minnesota should note that they must submit reports by October 31st to comply with Minnesota's new Paid Leave program requirements. Minnesota law requires everyone who pays covered wages in Minnesota to register for an employer account. You should register as soon as first wages are paid. To avoid penalties, register prior to the due date of the first quarterly wage detail report you are required to submit. Premiums are set to begin in 2026.
Although many of us continue to be exempt from participation in Minnesota's Unemployment Insurance program, there is no similar exemption from the new Paid Leave program. Please note that this program does not cover independent contractors, which in some cases includes LCMS called workers.
"Sick and safe time is paid leave employers must provide to employees in Minnesota that can be used for certain reasons, including when an employee is sick, to care for a sick family member or to seek assistance if an employee or their family member has experienced domestic abuse." (source)
We have received a number of inquiries regarding the law that was recently passed, regarding the provision of Earned Sick and Safe Time for employees in Minnesota. In short, yes, this provision will, in most cases, apply to church and school workers in the Minnesota South District as there is no religious exemption.
"An employee is eligible for Earned Sick and Safe Time if they:
• work at least 80 hours in a year for an employer in Minnesota; and
• are not an independent contractor.
Temporary and part-time employees are eligible for sick and safe time." (source)
Employers need to provide employees with notice in English and in an employee's primary language by 1/1/2024 and to new hires. It also needs to be included in the employee handbook if one exists.
Employers need to include information about ESST hours available for use and used in the pay period on earnings statements provided to employees.
An editable template has been provided by the MN DLI. Here’s an example.
You should read the MN Department of Labor and Industry's ESST page for more detail about rights and responsibilities. If you need more information, their excellent FAQ addresses many situational issues. Reference: Minnesota Statute on ESST
Local ESST ordinances already exist in the cities of Bloomington, Duluth, Minneapolis and St. Paul so make sure follow the most protective law that applies to your employees.
Principal 360
The MNS District has formed a partnership with Principal 360, a new way for principals to do a professional development program that also brings great value to the Lutheran school . The purpose is to develop and implement a strategic plan for the school while the administrator is going through the comprehensive full year training and development program. The principal will be supported through the program by:
Personalized Coaching - Leadership coaching throughout the entire program to support the application of course content, personal growth, and strategic planning.
Five courses led by acclaimed instructors from across the country. Courses are presented in two-week modules that first help create the strategic plan and are then designed to around the implementation of the plan.
Three in-person Meet-Ups provide members with an exclusive opportunity for face-to-face training and development with expert instructors and coaches in an open, relaxed, collaborative environment.
Lead your Lutheran schools to the next level…
Craft a Compelling Vision – Increase Engagement Elevate Academics – Grow Enrollment – Spread the Gospel
Chapel Talks
Chapel Talks 2024-2025 is coming soon! The overall theme is "Endure," based on Hebrews 12:1-3.
Chapel Talks is a resource including Bible verses, speaking points, song suggestions, and application ideas for weekly chapel services throughout the school year. It can be used for students of all ages in Lutheran and Christian schools. Read more about Chapel Talks on the LCMS School Ministry page. You can also view and download current and previous Chapel Talks by going to this page on the LCMS website.
Upcoming Events
Exploring trends, issues and events surrounding Lutheran education. In each episode invited educational experts shed light on topics that support educators, administrators and staff. Guests have included, Dr. Kim Marxhausen, Brad Alles, Dr. Steven Buuck, Dr. Chris Cody, Tom Wrege, Jon Laabs, Julian Petzold, and our own Joel Landscroener. Available on apple podcasts, stitcher, google play, Spotify and others. Held every 3rd Wednesday at 3:00 pm (Central).
November 20, 2024
December 18, 2024
January 15, 2025
February 19, 2025
March 19, 2025
April 16, 2025
May 21, 2025
Why a yearly theme?
The LCMS School Ministry office has aligned the themes for NLSW and Chapel Talks for the coming years so that there is a single theme for all publications for the entire year. This will allow for schools to utilize the overall theme in their individual school if they choose, and will also tie ministries of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod together thematically throughout the year.
Each theme for the coming years has been chosen with intent based on national Synod events overlapping the indicated school calendar years, with past themes coming from LCMS Youth Gatherings and Synod Conventions. This year’s theme is “Endure” and the scripture verse is Hebrews 12:1-3.
Each day of NLSW has a sub-theme:
Day 1 (Monday): Setting Aside Hindrances; "Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely" (Heb 12:1)
Day 2 (Tuesday): Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus; "Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith" (Heb. 12:2)
Day 3 (Wednesday): Enduring the Cross; "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame" (Heb 12:2)
Day 4 (Thursday): The Joy Set Before Us; "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Heb 12:2)
Day 5 (Friday): Running the Race with Perseverance; "Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus" (Heb. 12:1-2)
This booklet contains the devotion, key points, prayer, activities, and hymn of the day for each of the days during NLSW.
Please pray for our Lutheran schools - the administrators, teachers, students, and families - especially during NLSW!
Please send photos and descriptions of your NLSW events to
minnesota south lutheran schools
By clicking on a pin on the map, you can discover the name of the school and the address.
Red pins - Early Childhood & Preschools
Blue pins - Elementary Schools
Yellow pins - High Schools