From Minneapolis
Take I-35W south to Burnsville. Get off at Exit 1 (County Road 42). At the top of the exit ramp, turn left and go east on County Road 42. Move into the far right lane of traffic. You will go under the I-35E overpass and come to a stoplight (exit ramp for northbound I-35E traffic). Go to the next street on your right, which is Grand Avenue South (frontage road) and turn right. Make an immediate left turn. You will see our brown brick building. Park in the upper parking lot and enter through the main entrance to the District office.
From St. Paul
Take I-35E south to Burnsville and get off at Exit 88B, which is County Road 42. At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn left and go east on County Road 42. Move into the far right lane of traffic. You will go under the I-35E overpass and come to a stoplight (exit ramp for northbound I-35E traffic). Go to the next street on your right, which is Grand Avenue South (frontage road) and turn right. Make an immediate left turn. You will see our brown brick building. Park in the upper parking lot and enter through the main entrance to the District office.
From the South
Take I-35 north to I-35E north. Exit on County Road 42. At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn right on to Country Road 42. Make an immediate right turn on to Grand Avenue South (frontage road). Make an immediate left turn. You will see our brown brick building. Park in the upper parking lot and enter through the main entrance to the District office.