2025 Minnesota South
District Convention
The 80th Minnesota South District Convention will be held June 12-14, 2025 at Gangelhoff Center at Concordia University - St. Paul.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another.” John 15:16-17
Please click on a link to take you to that portion of the page.
Plans are underway for the 2025 District Convention to be held on June 12-14, 2025, at Concordia University, St. Paul!
Please take a moment to watch President Woodford introduce 2025 Convention Mailing #1 in the following video.
Please note: all information pertaining to the 2025 MN South District Convention will be sent digitally by means of email, the eNews, and the website. Please be sure you are checking these communications regularly. To be better stewards of District resources, we are asking congregations to please access and complete forms themselves through the provided links. You may print your completed forms and other documents for your own records.
Pertinent communications, forms, and documents are provided
by clicking the buttons and links below.
Mailing #1
Pastors and congregational leaders of the Minnesota South District have received the first instructional letter in preparation for the 2025 District Convention in June. It contains important information regarding items to include on your fall congregational voters meeting agenda as well as necessary forms and deadlines. If your congregation has not received the 2025 Convention Mailing #1 through email, please notify Debbie Borchardt to provide current email addresses for your congregation, pastor, and lay leaders. Please click on any button below to read the details of each.
Click the button to read Relevant Bylaws.
2022 District Handbook
2023 Synod Handbook
Click the button to read the responsibilities of convention pages.
Click here to register to be a Convention Page.
Mailing #2
Convention Mailing #2 addresses the congregation’s responsibility to elect pastoral and lay delegates to represent your congregation both at the Circuit Forum and the District Convention. It is not required that the delegates be the same persons. If your congregation has not received the 2025 Convention Mailing #2 through email, please notify Debbie Borchardt to provide current email addresses for your congregation, pastor, and lay leaders.
Mailing #3
Convention Mailing #3 is an invitation to ALL Minnesota South District members to attend the convention’s opening worship service to be held on Thursday evening, June 12. It also describes the special mission offering to be taken: The Educator Faithful Formation Fund.
Commissioned Minister Advisory Delegates
A friendly reminder: MN South Bylaw 2.20.6 states -
"All non-voting ordained and commissioned ministers who are members of the Synod within the District shall, unless they present a valid excuse, serve as advisory delegates. Also included among advisory delegates are the advisory lay delegates of congregations in multi-congregation parishes not sending voting lay delegates."
If you are an active, rostered commissioned minister and have not completed the Commissioned Minister Delegate Form for the convention, please do so by clicking here. The deadline to submit the form or your valid excuse is April 30. If attending the conference as an Advisory Delegate, you must also register your attendance by completing the Registration Form. On-campus lodging and a meal plan are available. If interested, please complete the Lodging Reservation Form, as well.
If you are unable to attend, please provide your valid excuse by clicking here.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important task.
The District Convention Opening Worship Service will be held on Thursday evening, June 12. We will gather around Word and Sacrament and remember those who were Called to Glory in the last triennium. ALL members of the Minnesota South District are invited to attend the opening worship service.
The convention mission offering will go towards the Educator Faithful Formation Fund. Proceeds from this fund will be used to assist non-rostered educators in our Lutheran Schools, especially our Early Learning Centers, in receiving appropriate Lutheran-centered training that will put them in a position to pursue colloquy and enter the commissioned minister roster of the LCMS. Please promote this special mission offering within your congregation, school, and early childhood center. Start collecting now to participate in this 80th District Convention Mission Offering!
President Lucas Woodford shares some encouragement and helpful directions in the months leading to the convention! Take a watch!
Delegate Registration - Deadline April 30, 2025
Convention registration is NOW OPEN. Delegate registration is different from the Delegate Form previously submitted. Each individual must register separately. On the delegate registration form, meal choices are offered, and registration fees are collected. The following registration fees have been set by the Board of Directors of the District to cover costs of the Convention:
• Voting delegates (pastoral and lay): $270 each (Bylaw 20.20.5 of the 2022 District Handbook)
• Advisory delegates: $135 each (Bylaw 2.20.6 of the 2022 District Handbook)
You can read the bylaws in the 2022 District Handbook.
After April 30, registration fees increase $50.
These fees cover costs such as supplies, honoraria for presenters, video production, postage, electronic voting system, snacks, and facilities. They do not cover delegate housing on the Concordia University campus or meals. Individuals will select these separately during the registration process.
Each individual must register separately. Please register for the convention by using the QR code or the link to the right. Please note - you must make on-campus lodging reservations separately (see below).
Holst Hall - Concordia University, St. Paul
Hyatt Hall - Concordia University, St. Paul
On-campus lodging for delegates is available for those attending the convention. If interested, please use the QR code or the link below to choose which option works best for you and to make your payment.
On-Campus Lodging Options include:
Hyatt Single Occupancy ($80/person/night)
Hyatt Double Occupancy ($50/person/night)
Hyatt Married Couple ($100/night)
Holst Single Occupancy ($90/person/night)
Holst Married Couple ($150/night)
For your information, Hyatt Hall is diagonally across from Gangelhoff Center (the convention hall). Holst Hall is across campus from Gangelhoff.
Thursday, June 12
Assorted Fresh Breads & Rolls
Sliced Turkey, Sliced Ham & Egg Salad
Assortment of Sliced Cheese
Leaf Lettuce, Sliced Tomato, Onion & Pickles
Mayonnaise & Mustard
Pasta Salad
Potato Chips
Assorted Bars
Ice Water
Market House Salad with choice of Ranch or Golden Italian dressing
Lemon Parmesan Chicken with White Wine Chive Sauce
Oven Roast Herbed Red Potatoes
Fresh Roasted Vegetables
Assorted Dinner Rolls with Butter
Chocolate Cake
Apple Crisp
Regular Coffee
Assorted Hot Tea
Ice Water
Cucumber Rounds with Feta & Tomato
Tomato, Basil & Mozzarella Crostini
Tortilla Chips & Salsa
Assortment of Fresh Home-Style Cookies
Rice Krispie Bars
Trail Mix
Vanilla Mousse filled Cream Puffs
Assorted Dessert Bars
Seasonal Fresh Cut Fruit Cups
Strawberry Lemonade
Ice Water
Friday, June 13
Assorted Pastries
Breakfast Potatoes
Sausage Links
Scrambled Eggs
Pancakes with Syrup & Butter
Hand Fruit
Regular Coffee
Hot Tea
Orange Juice
Ice Water
Soft Flour & Corn Tortilla
Chicken Fajitas
Grilled Vegetables
Cheese Enchiladas
Southwestern Rice
Seasoned Black Beans
Shredded Lettuce
Diced Tomato & Onion
Cheddar/Mozzarella Cheese
Ice Water
Market House Salad with choice of Ranch or Golden Italian dressing
Asian Marinated Roast Pork Loin
Garlic Mashed New Potatoes
Seasonal Vegetables
Assorted Dinner Roll with Butter
Baker’s Choice of Dessert
Regular Coffee
Hot Tea
Ice Water
Saturday, June 14
Assorted Pastries
Breakfast Potatoes
Sausage Patty
Waffles with Syrup & Butter
Hand Fruit
Regular Coffee
Hot Tea
Orange Juice
Ice Water
Campus Map - Concordia University, St. Paul
Convention Floor - Gangelhoff Center
LTC - Concordia University, St. Paul
Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at the MN South District Convention to be held June 12 - 14, 2025 at Gangelhoff Center on the campus of Concordia University, St. Paul.
Approximately 550 people are expected to attend this convention. To encourage booth visibility, the vendor area is placed so attendees will walk through the vendor displays to reach the convention floor. This is different from previous conventions held at Gangelhoff.
Vendor set-up is currently planned for June 11, 2025 in the late afternoon and continuing until noon on June 12, 2025. Please bring your own booth signage including display method and individual name tags. These items will not be provided.
On-campus lodging and a meal package are available, if interested. Please choose your intentions on the registration form.
Please note: You must be a Registered Service Organization (RSO) of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS) to be a vendor at the convention. If you are not an RSO of the LCMS, please inquire with Debbie Borchardt for District President approval.
CLICK HERE FOR THE VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM The deadline to submit your Vendor Registration form is April 30.
Vendor Hours (vendors are encouraged to be available during the hours listed, but may adjust as schedules allow):
June 12: 9 am - 6 pm & 9 - 11 pm
June 13: 8 am - 5 pm (approximate)
June 14: 8 am - noon
Table Options
1 - 8x10 table: $100
2 - 8x10 tables: $150
3 - 8x10 tables: $210
Power Cord: $50
Electricity: $50
Please contact Debbie Borchardt with any questions.