News & Events — Minnesota South District, LCMS

News & Events


Call Updates

Find out which congregations, schools, and other ministries are calling. There are also photo galleries of ordinations and installations in the MN South District.

Pastors Conferences

Gather information relating to upcoming pastoral conferences. Dates, locations, registration, schedule, accommodations, and more are updated regularly.

68th National

LCMS Convention

Discover the details for the upcoming LCMS National Convention. Links to the LCMS National Convention page, the Triennium Timeline, and the Congregational Governance page will assist you.

District Events & Calendar

What’s happening in the MN South District? See upcoming events and submit your requests.


Connect with the weekly eNews, the monthly MN South insert of the Lutheran Witness, the Engaged in Mission magazine, One Voice for Public Policy blog, and Main Street Living episodes.

Engaged in Mission

The latest articles from President Woodford as well as blog posts for public policy issues are found on this page.


Classified Ads

Submit and / or view information regarding careers, volunteer opportunities, and free / for sale items within the MN South District congregations.