Worship forms continue to be a talking point within our Lutheran circles. At the heart of those discussions are often disagreements about who is right and who is wrong, which form is best, what Divine Setting is most pure, or what instrument is most proper. Unfortunately, those considerations can get hijacked by intense emotions and we lose the ability to speak in ways that the other can hear or loses sight of what and Who is at the heart of our worship.
Read MoreWe live in what’s called the Information Age. It’s a time when digital opinions, soundbites, diversions, and distractions are everywhere. With just a click of a button we are brought down the path of abundant data and get lost for hours in the mundaneness of a digital universe. Information is all around, but information is not the same as wisdom. In fact, an overload of information brings its own problems.
Read MoreAdvent is a time of anticipation and waiting. The church year keeps us focused on the life of Jesus. Advent, the first season of the church year, brings us to the beginning of Jesus’ life, where He becomes incarnate—where He came into the flesh—to be born of a virgin, set in a manger, and reared in a family.
Read MoreThe book of Acts begins with the dramatic story of how the church was birthed in Jerusalem by the Spirit working through the word. The living and abiding word of God bridged sixteen diverse cultures when the apostles spoke the mighty works of God in their own tongues “as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4).
Read MoreWhenever Jesus begins by saying “Beware” it’s best you sit up and listen. Beware means to be on guard; to get your attention. “Beware” means a warning is about to be spoken. Ignore it at your own risk. One occasion was the sermon on the mount. Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matt. 7:15).
Read More“All things should be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40). There was disorder and confusion among the early Christians at Corinth, especially during their times of worship. That’s why the Apostle Paul gives some simple direction for how the church is to organize herself and conduct her life.
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