Once again January 22 approaches, reminding us of that infamous day in 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision in Roe v. Wade. It was a decision which tore our nation apart as it falsely declared that some human beings are unworthy of life simply by virtue of their age. But, thanks be to God, that ruling was overturned in the Dobbs case. But what does the date, January 22, signify today?
Read MoreObserving how God created and uses the element of water is a marvel to behold. Water is a fascinating part of our lives.
Read MoreHow do you identify a famous person? What do they need to be known by others? Said another way, what one thing makes them be known wide and far? What is it? They need a name. Without a name their fame won’t stick.
Without names history would be lost, events would be changed, and learning would suffer.
Read MoreAs the current societal struggle between those who hold a traditional, Judeo-Christian based view of America and those who hold one running counter to those beliefs intensifies, it becomes increasingly obvious that, here in Minnesota, the primary locus of this showdown is our schools, and, by extension, our kids.
Read More“Stuffed!” “Full!” “I’m done!” Thanksgiving dinners have a tendency to do that. Gone are the cravings for mashed potatoes and the longings for cranberries and turkey. Gone is the anticipation for the great feast. You’ve eaten. You’re full. The hunger is forgotten. It is time for a nap! We experience being full in different ways. From your stomach to your gas tank; from your piggy bank to your house—when life is full, it’s easy to forget what it was like to be empty.
Read MoreDuring the time of the Reformation, justification was heralded as the central article of the Christian faith. Namely, as Scripture says, “ all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:23-24). All humankind is guilty of offending God by their sin, deserving only death and damnation, but on account of Christ, they are declared innocent and made righteous through faith in His death and resurrection.
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