Last month I introduced the Go First! initiative. It’s based upon the Gospel joy that since Jesus goes first to the cross to win for us forgiveness, life, and salvation, we can trust Him. And because we trust Him, He inspires us to go first and inspire others in His name. I offer this as a building block for our work together in our district this triennium. Going first helps us unleash the potential of our congregations and schools in the name of Jesus.
Read MoreLast month I introduced the Go First! initiative. It’s based upon the Gospel joy that since Jesus goes first to the cross to win for us forgiveness, life, and salvation, we can trust Him. And because we trust Him, He inspires us to go first and inspire others in His name. I offer this as a building block for our work together in our district this triennium. Going first helps us unleash the potential of our congregations and schools in the name of Jesus.
Read MoreIt will come as no surprise to anyone that our State and nation are, once again, on the brink of a very consequential election. As we have in recent years, the Public Policy Committee of our Minnesota Districts has endeavored to provide a resource that will give our members guidance on how best to reflect the Biblical and ecclesial perspective on various public policy issues.
Read MoreHistory shows that culture changing movements are often led by those willing to go first. That, of course, was the foundation of the New Testament Church. It was made up of those who were willing to go first. However, they were simply the first to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself was always ready to go first.
Read MoreThis is a call to action directed specifically to pastors, though it deals with a topic of great importance for all Christians.
In a move aimed at further marginalizing and significantly weakening the nuclear family and the Church, some members of Congress are aggressively pushing a piece of legislation erroneously called the “Respect for Marriage Act”.”
Read MoreHistory shows that culture changing movements are often led by those willing to go first. That, of course, was the foundation of the New Testament Church. It was made up of those who were willing to go first. However, they were simply the first to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself was always ready to go first.
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