Pro-Life Action Ministries organized their largest-ever solemn Good Friday vigil at the St. Paul Planned Parenthood on April 19. An estimated 3,800 individuals attended throughout the day, including some from our Minnesota South District.
Read MoreThis is a special edition of One Voice. Because of the crucial nature of the following tax bill proposal, we will focus on it exclusively. If the bill passes, it will be a big win for our schools—significantly enhancing the financial ability of parents to send their children to the school of their choice.
Read MoreMarch 2019’s One Voice looks at several active bills which address free speech, physician-assisted suicide, for-profit surrogacy, education tax credits, abortion limits, and protected classes.
Read MoreFebruary 2019’s One Voice looks at numerous new challenges on both the federal and state levels to the sanctity of human life, God’s good design for sexuality and marriage, and religious liberty.
Read MoreIn this installment of One Voice, we're looking back at resolutions passed at our district conventions, recent Supreme Court rulings, the issue of religious tests for public officials, and an upcoming publication from our Public Policy Advisory Committee…
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