Posts in Lucas Woodford
Civic Duty in a Secular Age: A Lutheran Approach and Legal Ally

Lutherans have a robust two-kingdom theology. It’s the understanding that God governs civil affairs in the left-hand kingdom through the law and governs the church (the gathering of believers) in the right-hand kingdom through the gospel. This understanding highlights the life of the Christian to God and to neighbor in both the temporal and eternal realms. It also affirms the importance of Christian citizens exercising civic duty regardless of the specific government. Two-kingdom theology recognizes obedience to divinely appointed authority is obedience to God himself.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: Understanding the "Go!" in Go First!

Last month I introduced the Go First! initiative. It’s based upon the Gospel joy that since Jesus goes first to the cross to win for us forgiveness, life, and salvation, we can trust Him. And because we trust Him, He inspires us to go first and inspire others in His name. I offer this as a building block for our work together in our district this triennium. Going first helps us unleash the potential of our congregations and schools in the name of Jesus.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: Understanding the "Go" in "Go First!"

Last month I introduced the Go First! initiative. It’s based upon the Gospel joy that since Jesus goes first to the cross to win for us forgiveness, life, and salvation, we can trust Him. And because we trust Him, He inspires us to go first and inspire others in His name. I offer this as a building block for our work together in our district this triennium. Going first helps us unleash the potential of our congregations and schools in the name of Jesus.

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