What does this mean? Responding to social justice and critical race theory
DOXOLOGY has published an updated and expanded version of President Woodford’s paper as of March 2021. Click here to view the updated and expanded edition.
“What ethic do confessional Lutherans have to offer a conversation and culture wrapped up in endless dialogues and demands for social justice?”
An second, expanded edition of “What Does This Mean? Responding to Social Justice & Critical Race Theory” (updated 3.2021), by President Lucas Woodford is now available. This edition, as did the first edition, is an exploration of our Lutheran doctrine in light of our contemporary American context and the current varying calls for social justice. It seeks to address the issue of racism and those affected by the sin of racism in any given form, as well as erroneous generalizations about American institutions, the church, and the white community in general. However, the second edition also includes a new introduction and very much revised flow throughout Part 1 of the study.
The study has two parts:
Part 1 aims to bring us toward a Lutheran ethos in conversations about social justice and Critical Race Theory. A variety of experts are consulted, representing all views on the spectrum, and then evaluated in the light of the clear Word of God and our Lutheran ethos.
Part 2 is especially aimed toward pastors, though all can benefit from its wisdom. There, you will find pastoral guidance for the care of souls struggling against the sin of racism in its many forms, with an emphasis on baptismal identity and Christ at the center of all.