Low Hanging Fruit and a Ripe Harvest Field...
The population of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the population of prisoners incarcerated in American jails and prisons is approximately the same. That, to say the least, is shocking! There are as many men and women serving time as there are serving the Lord in the LCMS! And prison populations continue to grow…
A cell block in Minnesota.
Our District’s volunteer Coordinator of Prison and Jail Ministries, Dr. James Seemann, tells me that in his experience, the men and women who are incarcerated in Minnesota are indeed a mission field that is “ripe for harvest.” It doesn’t take much kindness, much attention, or much time to make a huge impression on someone who is feeling as though they are hopeless, worthless, and friendless, so when the people of God become intentional about visiting, listening too, and sharing the Living Word with a jailed or imprisoned individual, that individual is like a sponge—eager and willing and thankful to be filled up with the love of Christ. Which is why, Dr. Seemann tells me, prison/jail ministry is like “picking low hanging fruit.” It is not only personally rewarding for those doing the ministry, but it also changes the hearts and lives of those receiving the ministry by ushering them into the church.
A volunteer mentor leads a class.
If you would like to learn more, hear more, or see more about how you can become more involved in this ripe harvest field, you can contact Jim directly at seemann@csp.edu. He is also very willing to make presentations at/for your congregation at your invitation.