Minnesota South District, LCMS

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District eNews for Tuesday, May 1, 2018

NEW You may have seen local news stories about Central Lutheran School's urgent need for funds to stay open. If you'd like to help, please visit and share this link.

Rev. Fred Hinz presents about public policy issues to various church and leader groups. Click here to view his presentation about last summer's Trinity, Columbia (MO) Supreme Court ruling. Click here to read May's public policy update.

UPDATE Want to work on the district staff, or know someone who does? Apply now to join our team as Administrative Assistant for Education and Commissioned Ministers. We're also hiring an Administrator for 604.20 background checks.

Camp Omega would like to work out an arrangement with a school and/or congregation that owns a min-van or SUV.  Camp needs a vehicle to transport 4 staff and their supplies from June 10- Aug 19 as part of camp’s Traveling Day Camp program.  If you have a vehicle that is not used during the summer months and are willing to work out an arrangement that benefits all, please contact Bob LaCroix.

Gae Ash, Administrative Assistant for Education & Commissioned Ministers in the district office, has announced her retirement effective in July. Gae has served the district for more than 20 years and has been in her current role since 1999. We thank Gae for her exemplary and caring service, and pray blessings on Gae and Randy as they enjoy new ways of serving the Lord in their retirement.

LCMS Servant Events will be in Forest Lake this summer, July 15-21. Interested in being a part of it? Learn more

UPDATE Registration is now open for the 2018 District Convention. Please take advantage of our online registration. The registration deadline is April 16.

We are still accepting late registrations with a $50 late fee attached.

Listen to our new district podcast, Cultivating Leaders. New episodes are released every Thursday.

Interested in apply for grant dollars from district grant sources? Visit our website to learn more about these funds.

Those hospitalized or receiving medical care at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester are now being cared for by the pastoral staff of Trinity Lutheran Church of Rochester. If you have a member in need of pastoral care please contact Pastor Nate Schwartz at 816-806-6797 or chaplain@trinitylutheranchurch.org. The pastoral staff at Trinity is honored to assist you in caring for Christ’s sheep.

We also have a list of LCMS pastors near other Minnesota hospitals that are willing to provide pastoral care. 

If you would like to financially support the ministry of the Minnesota South District, please click here and then click on "Donate Now." For your convenience, the Minnesota South District is able to process ACH's (Electronic Funds Transfers) and credit card transactions. We thank God for your partnership.

Join Upworks!
Discover the joy of being a Christian mentor and walking beside someone looking to change their life. Training is provided for you and a partner to coach and inspire for one hour a week for twelve weeks. The next training is May 5, 9am to 1pm. Contact Nina Coleman for more information.

The 2018 SAGES (older adult) ministry gathering is May 7-8 in Mankato. Click here for more information!

NEW Parents, caregivers and anyone passionate to protect children and youth are invited to a Sex Abuse Prevention workshop being hosted at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 26th St and 7th Ave, Owatonna, on May 9th from 6:00-7:30pm. The presenter is JoAnna Lane, MSW, of Faribault. Attendees will learn of risks of being abused, who the abusers are, tips to prevent abuse of children including online predators, and how to be a caregiver who respects children and their bodies. Additional resources include a template for an internet safety contract between parent and child.

Attached are a 5-1/2 X 8-1/2 small poster suitable to be copied for distribution or as a bulletin insert and a 11 X 17 poster. If unable to print these, please contact the office at Good Shepherd at 507-451-4125 or email goodshepherdowatonna@msn.com. Please feel free to share this invitation with others you believe would be interested in attending.

The 2018 Glory of Christ Liturgy Workshop will be held Saturday, May 19.The MNS District offers continuing education scholarships for rostered workers. The deadline to apply for 2018 is July 1.

NEW You are Invited! Trinity First is proud to present their version of the Biblical story of Esther: Teen Queen God Used to Redeem. This original musical with story adaptation by Terri Bentz and music by Rev. Tom Gundermann tells the story of God's saving grace through the actions of one brave girl. With plot twists such as a beauty pageant, courtiers, and a menacing Haman, audience members young and old will laugh, cheer, and most importantly hear the Gospel presented in song.  Performances are May 23rd at 6:30pm, and May 24th at 10:30am and 6:30pm at the E.M. Pearson Theater at Concordia University in St. Paul. If you have questions please call the school office (612) 871-2353.

Higher Things 2018 Summer Youth Conference right in our backyard!

Higher Things seeks to assist parents, pastors, and congregations in cultivating a distinctively Lutheran identity among their youth and young adults, especially through the annual summer youth conferences. This year one of the four national locations is right here in Northfield, MN. Registration is open now and there are still spaces available for this July 3-6 conference. The theme is “Sanctified,” which will be a look at the Ten Commandments and how God has called us to be His own people in Christ. "You shall be holy to me, for I the LORD am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine"(Lev. 20:26). More information is available at their website: http://higherthings.org/conferences/faq

Germany Tour December 2018
The Reformation continues! Join Immanuel and St. Paul Lutheran Churches of Blue Earth as we travel to Germany November 30-December 9, 2018. We will see many Luther sites in Wittenberg, Erfurt, Eisleben, Mansfeld, Coburg, and Heidelberg. Experience the Advent culture as you shop the Christmas markets of Berlin, Erfurt, and Heidelberg. Worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Trinity Lutheran Church in Berlin-Steiglitz. For more information and to sign up go to https://www.mattlorfeld.com/travel/Resources (From LCMS.org)